# Release notes - CUPS Driver - Version 1.1.0 [CD-135] AlphaCard PRO 550 always printing HoloPatch [CD-124] Double sided option selection causes a problem. [CD-117] Default settings - Colour Profile [CD-116] Pronto 100 - Colour profiles, None appears to be colour adjusted [CD-115] Default settings - High Speed option [CD-113] Print corruption on Linux - specifically LibreOffice - - Non Pronto100 [CD-107] Update PriceCardPro PPDs # Release notes - CUPS Driver - Version 1.0.24 [CD-79] Print corruption on Linux - specifically LibreOffice [CD-99] Review Printer Models [CD-90] Clean print heads button not working. [CD-89] "Print Self Test" not working [CD-33] No way to clean Pronto on Linux / Mac OS \(Case No. 61933\) [CD-72] CUPS: Pronto 100 print mode selection [CD-71] CUPS: Pronto 100 Colour Profiles [CD-106] Update Whitelabel Holokote descriptions [CD-101] Review all PPD and available model capabilities [CD-100] Identify and add missing printer models [CD-98] Remove pro600xtd.PPD